

Welcome to my blog. As a "Millennial" I am a growing young adult, so I write about things that I've learned (and am currently learning). Hopefully we can learn and grow together!

Feels like Home

Feels like Home

Hello, my name is Erika.

Hello, my name is Erika.

A few things you should know about me:

  • I love Jesus
  • I'm not a photographer, just a hobbyist
  • I love going outside and adventuring, just as much as I love being a homebody

Today, I want to talk about things I enjoy that feel like home. I had originally planned to do a "Fall Favorites" type of blog post, but I realized that I didn't want to make it about objects, as much as I wanted to make it about the feeling I get in that moment.



Particularly that very first sip of your fresh cup of perfectly creamed (or not) coffee. One of my favorite parts of my day definitely includes coffee time. That part of the day where I've caught some post-lunch drowsiness and I just really need coffee to finish the day strong is the best feeling. I love that warm feeling I get when I breathe in my fresh cup before taking that careful first sip. Somehow, that first sip never compares to the rest of my cup.


Wood Wick Candles

I've recently been in a mindset of treating myself to things that make my heart happy, and one result of that has been the purchase of a wooden wick candle by Nature's Wick. I've been on the search for the perfect candle and when I had my heart set to finding a wood wick I followed my heart to Target. This candle is like a sweet-smelling campfire. I love lighting it and closing my eyes as I'm reminded of the sweet memories of sitting around a campfire under a starry night.


Home Cooked Meals

I absolutely love cooking. If I could stay home all day and cook lunch and dinner for myself and my (soon to be) husband, I would be the happiest person. The feeling of accomplishing cooking something from scratch is so satisfying. The gratification of having someone else enjoy what you’ve made, makes my heart sing. The feeling that comes with cooking stems from the first word, home.


Fresh Baked 


Apple Cobbler

So I've only done this once, but it reminded me of how much I also love to bake. We had gone on an adventure and found a fruitful apple tree. Baking this cobbler came with the feeling of accomplishment when you try something new. It was followed by the memories that are included when I looked back at the process; the all-day adventure to finding the apples.


Road Trips

My fiancé has recently acquired a four-wheel drive vehicle, which has resulted in us going on long drives/adventures together. The feeling of contentment after spending the entire day with the person I love has heightened my mood significantly. The giggles, the conversations, and when he stops the car so I get the perfect picture are just a few examples of what I am grateful for. I'm working on being okay with taking iPhone pics, and it results in the feeling of being in the moment.

These are a few of my favorite things.


Unnoticed Miracles

Unnoticed Miracles