

Welcome to my blog. As a "Millennial" I am a growing young adult, so I write about things that I've learned (and am currently learning). Hopefully we can learn and grow together!

Thank You, 2017 ✨

Thank You, 2017 ✨

Hello friends, it’s been a while.

Needless to say, it's been a busy season (I'm sure for us all), and I apologize for my absence. The past month has been a blur to me, starting with Thanksgiving and ending with New Year's Eve, and I felt that I should end this year with a few things I've personally learned this year.

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17 Things I've Learned in 2017
(not in chronological order)

  • You can't please everyone.
    You can try your best to think of what's the best option, but when it comes down to it, someone will be upset. Just make sure that it's not you.
  • Rest is important.
    You're not lazy for sleeping in before or after a long day/week/month.
  • "Treat Yo'self" must have a budget.
    This one is a hard one... Treating yourself is a great feeling; you deserve it! Just make sure that you set a budget so that "treating yo'self" doesn't turn into a long term debt.
  • If you invest in anything, invest in a hobby, a car, or a home.
    Investments aren't considered "debts." Who knows, maybe one day your hobby could make you some side income.
  • (Responsibly) do what makes you happy.
    This one also goes along with money, but also has a bit to do with others. Always be mindful of other people. Make yourself happy, but make sure you don't do it at the expense of those you love.
  • Credit is hard to build, and easy to drop.
    INVEST WISELY. You'll need credit to get a loan on a car or home, one day. It is hard work to build your credit.
  • Be unapologetically you!
    Just make sure you don't do something that would require you to apologize to those around you (like being rude).
  • Having (reasonable) expectations is great!
    Always strive for excellence, not perfection.
  • People will let you down.
    People you love will let you down. People you work with will let you down. People you don't like will let you down. Just make sure that it's not self-inflicted by unmet high expectations.
  • Don't sweat the small stuff!
    Honestly, I'm still working on this. Just remember, stress is stress. No matter if it's good or bad. So don't get so worked up over that stain on your shirt, or that french fry you dropped today. Life goes on.
  • If it isn't small, don't sweat what you can't control.
    Sadly, we can't control everyone and everything. So if you can't do anything about it, let it go. You can try your best to strive for an outcome, but when it comes down to it, everyone will make their own decisions, and sometimes it rains when the weather said clear, blue skies.
  • Love takes work.
    A.k.a. love isn't easy, but it is well worth it. Relationships (all platonic and romantic) take work to be healthy, to be successful, to be happy. Sometimes you will put in more effort than the other person. Just make sure you're not killing yourself over it.
  • Practice really does make (almost) perfect.
    Even things that naturally come to you need practice.
  • Cold brew your coffee if you don't like the bitter aftertaste.
    One of those investments I mentioned earlier (LOL)! However, Starbucks cold brew is much stronger than your homemade kind.
  • Jesus is the ONLY example.
    For grace, love, forgiveness, gentleness, and all fruits of the Spirit. Never forget how much you've been forgiven, when dealing with unforgiveness.
  • Comfortable jeans are a must!
    Please don't go on a huge shopping spree due to this post, but seriously, invest in a few pairs of jeans that fit you just right. You'll thank me for it later.
  • Yoga is hard.
    It may look like a bunch of hippies/hipsters stretching, but it requires a lot of training/practice and muscle growth!
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***Bonus: Surround yourself with people who love and support you! Those who love you will be honest and push you to grow, with your best interest in mind.

***Bonus: Surround yourself with people who love and support you! Those who love you will be honest and push you to grow, with your best interest in mind.

May God bless you in 2018, my friends.
Thank you for your love and support.

The Happiest Day of My Life

The Happiest Day of My Life