

Welcome to my blog. As a "Millennial" I am a growing young adult, so I write about things that I've learned (and am currently learning). Hopefully we can learn and grow together!

5 New Mom Must-Haves (0-3 Months)

5 New Mom Must-Haves (0-3 Months)

Hey mom!

If you’re a new mom, isn’t that a weird concept to wrap your head around? Being a mommy, having a baby, all these maternal instincts that go into auto pilot once you bring your little bundle of poop and hunger home. All of these things were quite overwhelming and unexpected to me as I suddenly realized I was in shock.

Well, if you’re anything like me, I’m here to tell you two things:

  1. You’re not alone!

  2. I’m here to help!

Let me introduce you to a few of my friends that were GAME CHANGERS for me as a new mom.

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For the first 2 months, my son wasn’t a fan of being swaddled. We tried muslin swaddle blankets that EVERYONE swore by, and as much I love those blankets for other reasons, swaddling was not one of them.

We even tried one of those velcro swaddles, which did work for about 4 week, however I didn’t feel comfortable swaddling my son in that since it restrained him with his arms down at his sides (see picture for reference).

Now, let’s get into why the Love To Dream Swaddle is, in fact, a dream. This swaddle doesn’t look like a typical swaddle, since it allows your baby to sleep with their arms in a more natural position (arms up and beside their head) allowing them to self-soothe by sucking on their adorable little hands. This swaddle has been a life-saver for us and now my son is able to put himself to sleep at only 12 weeks old! Here’s the video that convinced me and my husband to purchase this dream swaddle!

#2 Muslin Swaddle Blankets

Now I know that this seems strange… Didn’t I just say that these blankets didn’t swaddle? Yes, I did. However, I love these blankets for other reasons; mainly because they are light, breathable, and large in size. I use them by:

  • Folding them to make the blanket layered while covering my baby to keep him warm.

  • Draping over my son, in a single layer to provide coverage, but not to overheat him since it’s so breathable.

  • Using it as a cover, for myself while pumping, and over the carseat to shade him from the sun during car rides or while in the stroller.

Find them here on Amazon.

#3 Hands Free Pumping Bra

If you’re planning on pumping your breastmilk to feed your baby from a bottle, store extra milk, or to keep up your milk supply, this Hands Free Pumping Bra by Simple Wishes is hands down (see what I did there) my highest recommendation!

Pumping can be quite stressful to squeeze into your new (and always changing) schedule, but trust me, this pumping bra is a game changer! For you mamas out there who are able to pump without one of these, kudos to you because I am totally unable to do that without my bra. How does anyone expect you to hold two flanges up to your breasts for 20-30 minutes, while still holding onto your sanity??

Now I’m able to pump and work at the same time, which helps me boost productivity. Instead of sitting there, holding bottles up to my breasts for 30 mins and staring off into space, I can hook up to my Lansinoh Electric Breast Pump, drink coffee, work on my computer, do some baby research (because you can never know too much), watch videos, or even do some chores! Definitely a must-have in my books.

#4 Boppy Nursing Pillow

Now, my son was 7lbs 14oz at birth and has already doubled his birth weight at his 2 month check-up! To say that this pillow is a game-changer is an understatement! This pillow has not only saved my arms, but the arms of every family member and friend that holds (or feeds) my son.


The Boppy Nursing Pillow comes in different styles, and you can even purchase extra pillow covers separately.

I love this pillow because it gives me support while feeding my son, especially during those late-night feedings where I could barely hold my eyes open, and it has different stages of use based on your baby’s age.

  • 0+ Months: Feeding

  • 3+ Months: Propping

  • 6+ Months: Tummy Time

  • 9+ Months: Sitting

When my son was much smaller than he is now, this pillow came in handy with post-feeding cuddles when I’d want a couple hours of sleep during the day. I could guarantee that sleep by holding my son, with the help of the Boppy, and have no worries of losing my hold on him.


In the first 10 weeks, my son didn’t really do much besides eat, poop, and sleep. However, now at 12 weeks, I’m able to put my son on the Fisher-Price Kick ‘n Play Piano play mat for 15-20 minutes and he’s completely entertained!
This play mat is entertaining for my son to interact with, and even for me to watch him reach new milestones. My son loves to kick, so the piano is a nice addition to the fun. As he lays there, looking at the dangling toys, he also kicks the keys on the piano, and listens to the different songs. Each day he seems to become more curious and interested in his play mat, and now reaches out to swat at the little crinkle panda toy! At 12 weeks he seems very interested in mirrors, and this play mat comes with a velcro mirror attachment that you can move around the gym and place exactly where your baby is facing.

Plus, the fact that this play mat can transform to be enjoyed in 4 different stages for your growing baby is a bonus towards longevity!

That concludes my 5 New Mom Must-Haves for 0-3 month old babies!

I will definitely be using this list as a reminder for myself the next time I have a baby, as well as a gift guide for any new mommy friends! Perfect for registries, if you’re an expecting mother, and perfect items to help you stay sane as a sleep-deprived human!

Good luck to all of you strong women out there, raising even stronger little humans!

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her.
— Luke 1:45

*Disclaimer: Amazon links are affiliated. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.*

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